Signs You May Have Dry Eye

Common Causes of Dry Eye From Your Fremont Optometrists

Dry eye is a painful condition that your preferred optometrists in Fremont have years of experience treating here at Warm Springs Optometric Group. For the benefit of our patients with this uncomfortable medical condition, here’s an introduction to dry eye.

Explanation of Dry Eye

Patients are diagnosed with dry eye when their own tears cannot provide sufficient levels of lubrication. Symptoms include stinging and burning sensations and may be more pronounced when staring at a computer screen or while riding a bicycle.

Common Causes

Dry eye has a range of common causes, including:

  • Natural part of the aging process

  • Damage to tear glands, such as from radiation exposure or inflammation

  • Diseases including lupus, diabetes, scleroderma, thyroid issues and rheumatoid arthritis

  • Medications such as decongestants, antihistamines, blood pressure medicine and birth control

Dry Eye Treatment Options From Your Eye Doctors in Warm Springs

While dry eye can be quite uncomfortable, there is no need to fret, because your eye doctors have a number of options for dry eye treatment. Your treatment plan will be personalized just for you. It may include antibiotic drugs taken orally or as an ointment or eye drops.

To curb inflammation, your eye doctor may recommend prescription eye drops. Medication to stimulate the production of tears is another time-honored option.

In cases where antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medication does not bring complete relief, the eye doctor may prescribe eye inserts between the lower eyelid and eyeball, which dissolve to release lubrication.

Make an Appointment for Dry Eye Relief Today at Warm Springs Optometric Group

If you or a loved one have been experiencing dry eye, there’s no time like the present to get the treatment you need. To learn more about how we provide dry eye relief or to schedule your appointment, please get in touch with the team at Warm Springs Optometric Group today.

How is dry eye affecting what you do at work, school or home? Sound off in the comments section below so we can compare notes.