Contact Lens Care 101: Dos and Don’ts for Healthy Eyes

In the world of vision correction, contact lenses offer a convenient alternative to glasses. However, your venture into the ease of using contact lenses comes with an imperative responsibility: safeguarding your eye health. This begins with acknowledging that contacts, while beneficial, are medical devices that require strict hygiene and care to prevent eye infections and other complications.

Understanding Contact Lens Care

Contact lens care is a systematic routine that ensures your lenses are clean, safe, and comfortable to wear. There are different types of contact lenses, including soft, rigid gas-permeable (RGP), extended wear, and disposable lenses, each with specific care instructions. Regardless of the type you use, all contact lenses require regular cleaning and proper handling to maintain eye health.

Your contact lens case should be kept clean and replaced regularly, as it can become a breeding ground for bacteria. Each time you remove your lenses, they should be thoroughly cleaned, rinsed, and stored in fresh solution. By understanding and implementing the essentials of contact lens care, you lay the foundation for healthy eyes and clear vision.

Do's and Don'ts for Contact Lens Care


Adopting a set of positive habits can greatly influence the health of your eyes when using contact lenses. Always wash your hands with soap and water before handling your lenses to prevent transferring germs. Dry your hands with a lint-free towel to avoid any particles sticking to your contacts. Make it a habit to clean your lenses with the recommended solution each time you remove them, gently rubbing them in the palm of your hand to dislodge any debris.

Regularly clean your contact lens case with fresh solution, not water, and leave it open to air dry. Stick to the recommended contact lens replacement schedule, as overwearing lenses can increase the risk of eye problems. 

Lastly, always apply your contact lenses before makeup to avoid contaminating them and remove lenses before taking off makeup to prevent trapping particles against your eyes.


When it comes to contact lens care, certain practices can potentially harm your eye health. Never use tap water, saliva, or any other substitutes for lens solution, as these contain impurities and microorganisms that can lead to infections. Do not "top off" old solution in your case with new solution; always use fresh solution to clean and store your lenses.

Avoid sleeping in your contact lenses unless they are specifically designed for overnight wear, as this can deprive your eyes of oxygen and lead to complications. 

Never share your lenses with others, as this can spread bacteria and potentially cause eye infections. 

Lastly, don't ignore signs of discomfort or irritation; remove your lenses and consult your eye care professional if you experience any issues.

The Importance of Regular Eye Exams for Contact Lens Users

Regular eye exams are crucial for contact lens users, as they are a preventive measure to maintain optimal eye health. These exams allow your optometrist to assess the fit and prescription of your lenses, ensuring they are still suitable for your eyes. Eye exams also provide an opportunity to detect early signs of potential problems, such as corneal abrasions or infections, before they develop into more serious issues.

During these exams, your optometrist can also advise you on any new advancements in contact lens technology that may be beneficial for you. They can also reinforce proper contact lens care techniques and update you on the latest best practices.

Ensuring Clear and Healthy Vision

Taking care of your contact lenses is not just about maintaining the quality of the lenses themselves; it's about preserving your precious eye health. The dos and don'ts of contact lens care are simple yet impactful steps you can incorporate into your daily routine. By doing so, you minimize the risk of infections and complications, ensuring that your eyes remain healthy and your vision clear.

For more eye care tips or if you have any questions regarding your contact lenses, visit Warm Springs Optometric Group at our office in Fremont, California. Please call (510) 490-0827 to schedule an appointment today.